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Netto Marken-Discount

Netto Marken-Discount, one of the leading discounters in Germany, has demonstrably increased sales figures at the point of sale (POS) and raised brand awareness thanks to the innovative ad solution in the Bring! shopping list app. The discounter's visibility increased through the use of effective ad formats and targeted placement in the context of purchase planning. The results are impressive! Click here for more details from the campaign:

In the Shopping List

While creating a shopping list, Bring! users could find suitable offers for the selected items from local Netto Marken-Discount shops. Those offers can be directly integrated into the shopping list. When users search for raspberries or asparagus, for example, suitable offers will be displayed. This way, consumers receive targeted offers for products that are on their shopping list.

In the Offers-Tab

In the offers tab of the Bring! app, users could find the latest offers from Netto Marken-Discount and add them directly to their shopping list. Thanks to the filter options, a targeted search for specific offers is easily possible.

Digital Brochure

Thanks to the ad format Digital Brochure, Bring! users could conveniently access the brochure via app as a complementary option to the physical advertising material. This not only inspired them with current offers and promotions, but also encouraged them to visit a Netto Marken-Discount shop.

Sponsored Recipe

In order to inspire users in the Bring! app for their weekly grocery shopping, sponsored recipes were placed in the Inspiration Stream to put the product diversity of Netto Marken-Discount into focus. This advertising format significantly increased awareness. Users not only receive all the relevant details about the recipe, but can also add all the required ingredients directly to their shopping list. Shoppers can thus discover which dishes they can prepare after going grocery shopping at Netto Marken-Discount.

Hero Banner 

A further awareness boost was generated through ad format Hero Banner. To increase the relevance of the displayed Netto Marken-Discount content, users were directed to either the Netto website or the current brochure in the Bring! app after clicking on the banner, depending on the promotion.


The campaign by Netto Marken-Discount in the Bring! App was a great success. Thanks to the integration via Bring! Offers, promotions were integrated even better into planning grocery shopping.  This helped Netto to reach more users of the Bring! App. The targeted approach and integration of the offers helped to achieve greater relevance and visibility among users, which in the end increased awareness and sales.


+115 M
6,2 M
01.01.- 31.12.23
‘The partnership with Bring! has enabled us to integrate our offers directly and effectively into users’ grocery planning. The collaboration has enabled us to strengthen our presence in the digital shopping world and draw more attention to our products."
Fabian Geuss
Team Leader Digital Brand, Netto Marken-Discount

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Davide Falzone
Director Strategic Partnerships DACH
Juan-Pablo Schmid
Head of Retail Advertising Switzerland
Kevin Moritz
Head of FMCG Advertising Germany
Matthias Richter
Head of Retail Advertising Germany
Michel Rahm
Head of FMCG Advertising Switzerland
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