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Looye Honeytomatoes

Tomatoes are one of the top 3 products on Germans' shopping lists (Bring! Shopper Guide 2022). To raise awareness of its irresistibly delicious and delightfully sweet honey tomatoes and to place the product more prominently in the German market, Looye collaborated with the shopping list app Bring! in a 6-week campaign. Details on the different ad formats as well as the results of the campaign can be found here:

Sponsored Product

With the Sponsored Product, Looye Honeytomatoes is perfectly placed in the context of shopping planning. Looye Honeytomatoes is natively integrated as a product tile in the Bring! search and category "Fruit & Vegetables". When entering suitable keywords, such as tomatoes, cherry tomatoes or lettuce, the Looye Honeytomato tile appears and can be added directly to the shopping list. This ensures that Looye honey tomatoes are perfectly placed in the context of the shopping planning.

Keywords: tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, salad

Category: Fruit & Vegetables

Sponsored Product Suggestion

The Sponsored Product Suggestion is a new and very effective ad format in the Bring! app, because it suggests Looye Honeytomatoes to shopping planners as a suitable product that is still missing from the shopping list, based on the items they have added. After adding the products (cherry) tomatoes or lettuce, for example, planners were directly presented with Looye Honeytomatoes as a shopping suggestion, which can then be added directly to the shopping list.

Sponsored Recipe

To promote Looye Honeytomatoes to users looking for inspiration for their weekly shopping, two Sponsored Recipes were placed in the Inspiration Stream of the Bring! app. This ad format is a real awareness and engagement booster, because Bring! users can get details about the recipe and add all the necessary ingredients to their shopping list with just one click. At the same time, it shows the shopping planners what they can cook with Looye Honeytomatoes.


+10.8 M

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Davide Falzone
Director Strategic Partnerships DACH
Juan-Pablo Schmid
Head of Retail Advertising Switzerland
Kevin Moritz
Head of FMCG Advertising Germany
Matthias Richter
Head of Retail Advertising Germany
Michel Rahm
Head of FMCG Advertising Switzerland
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