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Arla Kærgården

Summertime is BBQ time! And when it comes to delicious barbecue food, the right side dishes are of course a must! Because we all know that these are what make a barbecue evening a real treat for the palate. Dips and spreads are particularly popular - whether on a steak or on delicious bread. This is exactly where Arla Kærgården cannot be missing. To place the bread spreads in the context of shopping planning and thus purchasing decisions, Arla is collaborating with our shopping list app Bring! in a campaign of several weeks. The results? Impressive! Here are the details:

Sponsored Product

The Sponsored Product is the most prominent ad format within the Bring! App and appears to the app users right when they create their shopping list. The Arla Kærgården pack shot is natively integrated into the Bring! App as a tile and can be found via the search function and by means of certain keywords as well as in the catalogue under the category Milk & Cheese. For example, when entering "spread", the Arla Kærgården tile appears and can be added to the shopping list with just one click.

Keywords: butter, spread, margarine

Category: Milk & Cheese

Sponsored Product Flavours

Flavours are an additional add-on to the sponsored product. These are displayed to Bring! App users when they click on the Arla Kærgården product tile. Here, the purchase planners can specify their choice by selecting an Arla Kærgården flavour. At the same time, an engagement action opens, which provides further information about the product and the brand.

Category Lead

Arla Kærgården was able to generate additional attention through the special format Category Lead. This is a prominent front page placement where an Arla Kærgården banner is displayed in the category "Milk & Cheese". Bring! users can add Arla Kærgården directly to their shopping lists with just one click on this banner.

Recommended Section

A strong awareness booster is the Recommended Section in the Bring! App. This is a unique format where the Arla Kærgården sponsored product is displayed together with two generic items in a special category. The special aspect is that this category is displayed to the shopping planners and at the top of the shopping list, which significantly increases awareness. Arla Kærgården can also be perfectly positioned here in the context of BBQ, as the category is titled "For BBQ".

Sponsored Recipe

In order to reach those Bring! users who are looking for inspiration for their weekly shopping, there is the option of using the Sponsored Recipe in the inspiration tab of the Bring! App. Arla Kærgården has placed an appealing recipe here, which also shows at the same time in which context the spread can be used for grilling. The required ingredients for the recipe as well as the appropriate quantities can be placed directly on the shopping list in the Sponsored Recipe with just one click. The button "To the recipe" also leads directly to the Arla Kærgården website to find out the exact recipe steps.



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Davide Falzone
Director Strategic Partnerships DACH
Juan-Pablo Schmid
Head of Retail Advertising Switzerland
Kevin Moritz
Head of FMCG Advertising Germany
Matthias Richter
Head of Retail Advertising Germany
Michel Rahm
Head of FMCG Advertising Switzerland
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