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Alpro Not M!lk from Danone

More and more people are switching to milk alternatives. One particularly popular product is Danone's Alpro Not M!lk. With a 5-week campaign, Alpro wanted to generate additional awareness for the brand Not M!lk in Switzerland and increase sales at the POS. For this purpose, ads were placed in the shopping list app Bring! as well as in the brochure app Profital. With the help of the Sponsored Product, Recommended Section, Sponsored Video and Branding Ad, Alpro can look back on a successful campaign.

The results are something to be proud of! Here are more details about the campaign:

Sponsored Product

Alpro Not M!lk was natively integrated into the Bring! app as a Sponsored Product. By entering predefined, matching keywords in the search, shopping planners were able to find Alpro Not M!lk and add it directly to their shopping list. In addition, the product could be found when browsing through the milk and cheese category. 

Sponsored Product Flavors

An additional add-on to the Sponsored Product is the Sponsored Product Flavors, which appears when the Alpro Not M!lk product tile is clicked. This gives the Bring! purchase planners the possibility to specify their product selection. For Alpro Not M!lk, the choice was between 3.5% or 1.8% fat levels. In addition, when scrolling down, the user was shown the Engagement Action, which contained further information about the product in addition to a picture. 

The performance was impressive: over 52% of users selected a flavor after clicking on the Bring! tile. The benchmark for everyday goods is usually below 50%.

Recommended Section

Alpro Not M!lk received an additional awareness booster with the Recommended Section, which was played out exclusively for one day on Saturday, October 15, 2022. The Recommended Section is suitable to be placed on particularly active planning days such as Fridays or Saturdays in order to see a significant increase in awareness. In the ad format, Alpro Not M!lk's Sponsored Product is perfectly placed on the start screen with two generic products and embedded in the breakfast context. The "Healthy Breakfast" category is displayed directly to the app's users, thus generating higher awareness.

Again, the results are remarkable: with just under 260,000 impressions, the Recommended Section is totally on target. 

Sponsored Video

In order to also reach Bring! users who like to be inspired by recipes and content, a Sponsored Video was integrated into the Inspiration tab of the Bring! app. The moving image generated a lot of attention. In addition, users could add Alpro Not M!lk to their shopping list by clicking the "Add to List" button.

Branding Ad in the Profital App 

Alpro uses the branding ad in the Profital app to increase awareness and reach and thus reaches a younger, more offer-savvy target group. With the branding ad, Alpro Not M!lk is played out in the offers tab of the Profital app. By clicking on the brochure and the integrated linkout, users of the Profital app were able to obtain further details about the product. 


Impressions in Bring!
Impressions in Profital

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Davide Falzone
Director Strategic Partnerships DACH
Juan-Pablo Schmid
Head of Retail Advertising Switzerland
Kevin Moritz
Head of FMCG Advertising Germany
Matthias Richter
Head of Retail Advertising Germany
Michel Rahm
Head of FMCG Advertising Switzerland
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